Complaints and Appeals
This procedure aims to define the actions to be taken in the event that an appeal or complaint is received from the client, or from other parties. The appeals and complaints addressed to HAQ Greece may be related to the certification process, or as an expression of client’s dissatisfaction.
Any appeal or complaint regarding HAQ Greece certification services, is considered and treated in order to adopt all necessary corrections and/or corrective actions in accordance with GSO 2055-2, ISO/IEC 17021:2015, and ISO/IEC 17065:2012.
The appeals and complaints -handling process is managed by Complaints and Appeals committee. The members of this committee are separated from any phase of the Halal certification related to the subject complaint or appeal. This committee shall consist of a minimum of three (3) persons, at least one of them must be a Halal Islamic affairs expert.
HAQ Greece records and tracks complaints and appeals, as well as actions undertaken to resolve them. Upon receipt of a written complaint or appeal, HAQ Greece confirms whether the complaint or appeal relates to certification activities for which it is responsible and informs personnel involved.
HAQ Greece acknowledges receipt of a formal complaint or appeal. Quality Manager is responsible for gathering and verifying all necessary information (as far as possible) to progress the complaint or appeal to a decision. The decision resolving the complaint or appeal is made by, or reviewed and approved by, person(s) not involved in the certification activities related to the complaint or appeal.
To ensure that there is no conflict of interest, personnel (including those acting in a managerial capacity) who have provided consultancy for a client, or been employed by a client, is not used by the certification body to review or approve the resolution of a complaint or appeal for that client within two years following the end of the consultancy or employment.
HAQ Greece shall take any subsequent action needed to resolve the complaint or appeal. Then, HAQ Greece gives formal notice of the outcome and the end of the complaint process to the complainant or appellant.
For appeals and complaints, email us at info@halalaq.gr and include all relevant information. All appeals and complaints are reviewed by the HAQ Greece Complaints and Appeals Committee. You will receive a formal acknowledgement of the receipt of the appeal or complaint and a formal response with the decision of the Complaints and Appeals Committee.