Halal Certification
What is the point of certifying meat products?
For Muslims who don’t live in a predominantly Muslim country, it is hard to avoid prohibited meat.
The consumer often lacks information about the components of the meat or meat products. There might be components of pork in a poultry sausage for example.
Because of these issues, a growing number of Muslims all over the world expressed their wish for bigger transparency in that area. The first certification bodies emerged out of that desire.
HAQ Greece was formed exactly to bridge this need and guide the factories during the steps needed for obtaining a halal certification. These steps include:
- Assessment of the ingredients used for the production
- Inspection of the production procedure for potential threats that would put halal in danger
- Supervision for compliance to the halal standards throughout the year
The halal certification procedure does not differ much from certification procedures of similar standards of quality and can be found in the attached document here.
In order to facilitate your exports to U.A.E. and the Gulf area in general, HAQ Greece has obtained the accreditation from Emirates International Accreditation Center and received the certificate nr HB-CB-063. In fact, it covers also the cases of slaughterhouses wanting to export to the Gulf area, thus being the only Halal Certification Body in the Balkans that can provide you with this level of certification.
Here is our official halal mark:
If you wish to receive a quotation for halal certification on food production (except slaughtering process) please download the application from this link*
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